Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Pallid Harrier at Wallasea Island

Jim and I visited Wallasea Island yesterday and walked out to the viewing mound in the eastern corner at lunch time. The tide was out and wader numbers were very low with just a small flock of Dunlin, a pair of Oystercatchers and four Lapwing noted. Well over a hundred Little Egrets were counted over the reserve along with a single Great White. A Peregrine sat on the ground having a rest between assaults and probably wondering where all the waders were.

From the mound we spotted another Peregrine several Buzzards and Kestrels along with a few Marsh Harrier sightings. Then a tatty female Hen Harrier flew low across the eastern corner of the island before the at around 4pm the Pallid Harrier eventually came in and flew low over the marsh crossing the path to fly on the river side of the wall, it would later be harrassed by a Sparrowhawk and return at speed to the eastern corner.

On our drive out we spotted a male Merlin sitting out in the muddy field to cap off a memorable day on the island. After we left somebody reported five Short-eared Owls leaving us wishing we'd remained on the island for another hour.

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