We were on the beach at Dunge again this morning for 6.30am. The forecast predicted winds of up to 30mph but it was rather calm despite the low grey cloud overhead. Passage was quiet with just 2 Manx Shearwaters, 7 Black Terns, an Arctic Skua, 3 Scoters of any note with all the Gannets, Terns, Gulls and Porpoise. (Roseatte Tern & Balearic Shearwaters seen later after we'd left as the winds finally picked up)
We headed off to the reserve and finally found a Wood Sandpiper for Dad to tick. I've seen several this year but he always seems to miss them so it was nice when two dropped in to feed in front of Firth hide this morning accompanied by a Green Sand, Ruff and Redshank. With the sun shining into the hide it didn't make for great photographs but I managed a couple of acceptable shots.
Wood Sandpiper |
Wood Sandpiper |
Following this success we drove over to Oare Marsh to get the Jims another tick in the form of the very obliging Temminck's Stint. We watched the tiny wader for about an hour fascinated by it's size as it passed LRP's and Lapwings etc. On East Flood a couple of Curlew Sands were noted with Greenshank and Snipe along with the other regular waders. Clouded Yellow butterflies are still active on the wing at Oare and the Jims were pleased to see a couple for the first time.
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