The weather again delivered a gift this morning with an early report of up to four Sabine's Gulls in Aveley Bay Rainham so after letting Jimmy know I headed on taking my good lady with me. Pulling into the car park at Coldharbour Lane I walked ten yards to the public footpath and was quickly put on an adult Sabine's Gull by a couple of guys that were already on site. We were soon joined by the Jims and Harry & Barry. We watched the gull for a while and enjoyed good views of several Black Terns fishing in the Thames.
Whinchat |
Whinchat |
House Sparrow |
Pied Flycatcher |
I left the guys watching the Thames and headed off to collect my son and daughter in law as we'd promised them a lunch by the sea. We decided on Dungerness where we enjoyed a nice walk on the shingle beach followed by lunch at the Pilot which I can recommend. Of course I noted a few birds whilst there including several Whinchat, lots of Wheatear and a couple of Pied Flycatchers.
A lovely day out with Billy & Gemma, and a tick to boot...can't be bad.
PS They loved Dunge too and Gemma gave the camera another workout
below is a selection of shots she took today.
Selection of Gemma's pictures from Dunge today |
I think Gemma and I have a similar eye when it comes to photography, she likes the weird stuff like me.
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