Friday, 28 February 2025

Breckland birding

With a forecast of some sun we headed up into Breckland today stopping first at Lynford arboretum where we year ticked Brambling, Coal Tit and Marsh Tit. Amongst the other highlights were a large flock of Siskin, lot's of Nuthatch and Yellowhammers at the gate and what sounded like a Crossbill which I failed to locate to confirm. Jimmy had a crest calling in the carpark but I couldn't find it and he year ticked Treecreeper whilst I was at the paddock.

We moved on to our favourite Goshawk watchpoint and had a Gos fly low across the pines almost as soon as we'd set up the scopes but it took another two hours before we got the next sighting. Three Sparrowhawks lot's of Buzzard and a couple of Red Kites added interest as did a singing Woodlark.

year list now 153

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