Sunday 8 September 2024

Morning searching for migrants with Jim

Having missed the best of last weekends migrant fall I decided I'd try again this weekend and with the big fall on Friday and me having family commitments Saturday I thought leaving it until today might cost me but I was pleasantly surprised as we arrived at Wells Woods to find it alive with migrants. A Wryneck was reported but we didn't find it but the Warbler/Tit/Flycatcher flock was enormous. 

Dominated by Spotted Flycatchers and supported by large numbers of Garden Warbler it took some work to search the entire flock but we tried. We found around six Pied Flycatcher, lot's of Willow warbler and Chiffchaff. Lesser Whitethroat were present in good numbers with the odd Common Whitethroat and a single female Common Redstart. After a while we had decent views of a Wood Warbler in the flock but failed to locate the reported Icterine Warbler.

On the way home we popped into Titchwell were we enjoyed Little Stint, Spoonbill, Hawfinch and a Grey Headed Wagtail along with more Spotted Flycatchers.

Just the one year tick for our trouble but a very memorable day with more Spotted Flycatchers in a day than we'd probably seen in our lives before. Difficult to count due to how mobile they were but they were every where.

year list now 233

Little Stint



Wood Warbler

Lesser Whitethroat

Spotted Flycatcher

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