We headed over to Rainham yesterday to news that a Wood Warbler had been seen and heard near the dipping pond so we made that our first point of call. On the way down the track I heard my first Lesser Whitethroat of the year and got a glimpse as it flew across the path too. We then heard the Wood Warbler which is a first for me in the London recording area. I had a brief sighting of it as it flew from a low Willow to another tree but it was very elusive despite singing well. On the walk back we picked out a couple of Reed Warblers for our third year tick of the day. At the Serin mound we saw a single Common Tern going up river but couldn't hear or see the reported Grasshopper Warblers.
Jim and I returned this morning feeling like an early visit might give us a better chance with the Groppers and this paid off as we picked up the reeling as we got out of the car and after a short walk towards Serin mound we spotted our first Gropper for a couple of years and then a second bird starting reeling too. A Short eared Owl got up twice but was put back down by the Crows. Whitethroat and Sedge Warblers are back in numbers and Cetti's are numerous and very vocal.
On the foreshore I found a couple of Wheatears and a Weasel made a dash across the path towards the
river bank.
Blue Tit |
Cetti's Warbler |
Cetti's Warbler |
Gropper |
Gropper |
Short eared Owl |
Weasel |
year list now 195
London recording list now 236
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