
Monday 8 August 2022

Kelp (Cape) Gull at Grafham water Cambs.

Having gone solo to see the Kelp gull yesterday, this morning I returned with Jims and took my camera along this time.

The bird spent most of the time sitting on the railings but made a couple of flights, one to sniff out a dead trout and another to check out the commotion caused as the Black-headed gulls chased bread offered up by a few of the toggers. We picked out several adult Yellow-legged gulls and saw another bird later ID'd as a Caspian. Great to catch up with a few locals again too and I got home in time to fix the father-in-laws Shower as promised.

Apologies in advance for the image overload............

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Cape Gull

Yellow-legged Gull

I have to admit I hadn't heard of Cape gull until this birds arrival but have educated myself since. 

Cape Gull is a recently identified sub species of Kelp Gull and comes Africa. (Darker eye on Cape than Kelp I'm told) This bird is considered to be a second summer bird and thought to have arrived with the recent movement of Yellow-legged Gulls from southern Europe.

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