
Sunday 7 August 2022

Cape Gull at Grafham Water

I've not been out birding since my trip to Oare in early July as family commitments continue to take priority. Today was no different as my youngest had asked me to help on the garden at his new home so I found myself grafting all day in the hot sun and it wasn't until 4pm that I took a break and for the first time all day checked my phone only to find news of a first for Britain in the form of a Cape Gull at Grafham Water Cambridgeshire. As luck would have it my sons house is much closer to Grafham than my house so I made my excuses for an early exit and started the 30 mile journey. Pulling into the car park the news was good and after getting directions from exiting birders I was off for the short walk towards the damn. I had left my scope in the car so although I had no bins or camera with the scope to hand I managed to get straight on the bird and found it easy to pick out among the Swans, Geese, Coots and Gulls. Another birder put me onto a Yellow-legged Gull for a bonus year tick on my flagging 2022 list too.

As always great to see a few familiar faces and have a catch up whilst there but with Suzanne waiting in the car and it being around 28degrees today I didn't hang around too long but will return should the bird stay around.

Year list now 227 (when accepted)

life list 433 (when accepted)

When accepted this Gull will be my fifth "first for Britain"

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