
Monday 22 August 2022

Wryneck at Rainham

Having not had time for birding since twitching the Cape Gull on 8th August I found the time and motivation to visit my local reserve at Rainham today where a Wryneck had been found yesterday and seen again this morning. Suzanne had volunteered me to move some furniture for a neighbour mid morning so we didn't get to Rainham until 12 but luckily the Wryneck was sitting in its regular resting bush as we arrived. I grabbed a couple of shots and the guys already there said it will visit the path soon to feed as it had done all morning but unfortunately it decided to fly the opposite direction onto the marsh and wasn't seen again all afternoon. Although the bird only gave brief distant views it was great to be out and good to chat birds, football etc with some of the local guys.

year list now 228



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