
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Lockdown expansion

For the first time in a couple of weeks I've ventured out to take advantage of my "exercise walk".
I'm lucky to have a little stream at the end of the road that takes me to some arable land and a small woodland but in all honesty I haven't walked it since my dear old dog left this world back in February 2017.

The area is pretty isolated sandwiched between the railway and the motorway but I bumped into a lady and her child, a couple walking their dog and a guy walking with his young daughter.
They all moved out of the way as did I so really good to see this level of awareness locally. The walk took about forty minutes and really cleared the cobwebs. I have decided to add birds seen on the local walk to my lockdown list in the interest of interest at least while we're entitled to this small level of social freedom.

To this end todays walk gave me four additions with a few singing Chiffchaff in the bushes lining the stream, Pheasants on the farmers field, a Little Egret feeding in the ditch but the star bird was a Kingfisher that I accidentally disturbed from the stream. I'm sure in coming days I'll find this area a pleasing walk and it could well add a few more birds if I explore the woodland area.

Lockdown list now 33

A circular walk around the brown field site through the woodland and right on the door step

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