
Thursday 2 April 2020

Naked Birding

To be clear, when I say naked I refer to the lack of Bins, No scope and no camera!

I walked the length of the ditch again today down towards the motorway and this time ventured into the woodland at the end of the path. Taking this as my daily exercise I'm not taking any glass with me (save the iphone) and it feels good to be honest. My senses are enriched as I use my ears more than I have been recently although they remain old and I still cant pick up Goldcrest etc.

Today I spent an hour from leaving home to getting home but managed a very delightful walk full of uplifting bird life.

800 yards from the front door I had another sight of yesterdays Kingfisher followed by a Grey Wagtail feeding on the shingle of the shallow ditch, a bird I was to see again on the way home.
My next Lockdown tick was with a small flock of Long-tailed Tits. The brown fields held a mixed flock of Corvids and as I entered the small woodland I got another lockdown tick when a couple of Chaffinch flew up from the leaf litter. Next came a Mistle Thrush that flew from the floor to the top of a tall Oak then a Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen while I looked for a calling Nuthatch. I managed to see the Nuthatch too and then almost as I left the woodland I heard a Treecreeper  and managed to find it and it was added to the count. A delightful hour and it just goes to show what can be seen on a local walk if you're looking to see it.

As I left the woods a Red Kite came down low across the brown field to finish a very productive stroll. Legs and lungs exercised but more importantly so is the mind!

Lock down list now 40 but still waiting to see if I can add a genuine year tick on these local walks.

The woodland path

View across to the adjacent woodland 

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