
Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lockdown update

Whilst filling the feeders this morning I managed an addition to the Lockdown list when two drake Mallards flew low over the garden. Otherwise it's business as usual in the garden with lots of activity from the breeding birds such as the six pairs of House Sparrows and a pair each of Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Dunnock, Robin, Collared Dove, Magpie, Carrion Crow and Wren.

I miss birding, the adult Purple Heron at Cley would under normal circumstances be something I'd most likely go to see, Sea Eagles are wondering around Kent, Bluethroats have started to turn up and that's a bird I always like to see if possible. Cuckoos have started to arrive back along with Willow Warblers and the Hirundines. I haven't yet seen a Wheatear!

This little garden challenge is giving me a little lift and I appreciate I'm lucky to have a garden so at least I can sit out and enjoy the coming and going of the local birdlife.

I look forward to that first day birding when we're free to go out again and hope that it's not too far away and we can once again appreciate more diversity.

Lockdown list now 29 

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