Whilst in Norfolk over Christmas I noticed one of the Thornham Twite was ringed so sent in details to the BTO and got the following reply today.
Twite at Thornham |
Thank you for taking the time to report to us details of a bird ring you found. Information about this bird and its movements is given below.
Ringing Scheme: London Ring Number: S347023 Species of bird: Twite (Carduelis flavirostris)
This bird was ringed by Christmas & Christmas as age at least 1 year, sex unknown on 03-Dec-2016 10:00:00 at Booth Wood Reservoir, Rishworth, West Yorkshire, UK
OS Map reference SE0216 accuracy 0, co-ordinates 53deg 38min N -1deg -58min W accuracy 0.
Colour Marks left below knee G,M
Colour Marks right below knee G,P
It was found on 28-Dec-2017 time unknown at Thornham Harbour, Norfolk, UK
OS Map reference TF7344 accuracy 0, co-ordinates 52deg 57min N 0deg 34min E accuracy 0.
Finding condition: Sight record by non-ringer
Finding circumstances: Identified by Colour Ring(s)
It was found 390 days after it was ringed, 185 km from the ringing site, direction ESE.
Bird Ringing in Britain & Ireland is organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). Each year over 900,000 birds are ringed by over 2,500 highly trained bird ringers, most of whom are volunteers. They follow a careful training process that can take several years to complete to ensure that they have the necessary skills to catch and ring birds. The bird’s welfare is always the most important consideration during ringing activities.
Ringing began over 100 years ago to study the movements of birds. While it continues to generate information about movements, it also allows us to study how many young birds leave the nest and survive to breed as adults, as well as how many adults live from year to year and how many birds disperse to different breeding sites. Collection of this information helps us to understand why bird populations increase or decrease − vital information for conservation. Details of how many birds have been caught and where and when they have been found are available on the BTO website at
Some interesting facts discovered from ringing data....
Oldest bird – Manx shearwater, 50 yrs 11 months
Furthest travelled – Arctic Tern from Wales to Australia 18,000 km
Strangest recovery – Osprey ring found in stomach of a crocodile in The Gambia!
Many thanks again for reporting this bird and contributing to the work of the Ringing Scheme. If you would like to find out more about the BTO please check out our website
With best wishes
The Ringing Team