
Monday 26 December 2016

Boxing Day in Norfolk

So we could shop......or we could go birding?

Started at Salthouse and enjoyed the company of around 40 Snow Buntings again.
The birds eventually came to feed in front of me after about an hours wait but were quickly panicked by a passing Peregrine. They settled again soon after and with blue skies I pulled the camera out to grab a few shots. These birds really do perform well and if you haven't yet had a go you should soon before they leave.

Snow Buntings at Salthouse
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting in flight
Snow Bunting
After lunch we headed down to Costessey again and this time had the birds and the light so managed a few better images. The Blackbirds also gave a few opportunities before the light fell and returned to base again.

Waxwing at Costessey
Waxwing at Costessey

A great Boxing Day...Snow Buntings, Waxwings and no shopping.

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