
Saturday 24 December 2016

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Firstly a very merry Christmas one and all!

I spent my Christmas Eve watching Snow Buntings and Waxwings firstly in the first light this morning I was sat on the shingle to the east of Gramborough Hill waiting first for a little sun to come through the clouds then for the Snow Buntings to show. They both appeared over the next two hours at regular intervals but unfortunately they never appeared together so my shots had to be achieved with a certain lack of light. That aside it was great to spend time with them again and today they actually walked up to me close enough to touch if I'd wanted to. They really are great to observe at such close range.

Let it Snow!
Snow Bunting
Snow flakes
A Redshank posed in the pool by the car park and a group of Twite flew over.
The afternoon was spent shopping in Sheringham and watching Waxwings in Costessey where again the birds showed well but the light was dreadful. I managed a couple of acceptable shots but left thinking how good both the morning and afternoon would have been given just a little help from the sun.



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