
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Waders and Sea ducks at Titchwell

Today started well with a Barn Owl hunting at Burnham as I travelled to Titchwell. The Owl distracted me for an hour and delayed my arrival at Titchwell but when I did finally make the beach I wasn't disappointed.

Common and Velvet Scoters at Titchwell
Hundreds of Common Scoter were drifting along relatively close on the low tide. Amongst the Commons were several Velvets and these gave great scope views both in flight and drifting along with the rafts of Common.  A single Scaup and at least six Long-tailed Ducks were spotted before finding at least sixteen Red-breasted Mergansers in the bay. A raft of 40+ Eider came in to view towards Thornham and two Gannets flew through the turbines which is a strange record for December here. Even more odd was a Marsh Harrier and Common Buzzard coming in off the sea with the Buzzard flying right through the Turbines.

The wader count at Titchwell is always good and today was no different with at least fourteen species on show and they do give you a chance to get the camera out.

Bar-tailed Godwit
Grey Plover
Grey Plovers
Norfolk was crazy busy today but amongst all those testing their new wellies out there was a few birders too I spent some time with a few of them today enjoying this crazy great hobby together.

Year list remains at 280

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