
Sunday 18 May 2014

Dipped Great Reed Warbler at Nene Washes

Whitethroat at Lakenheath
Yesterday saw us head to the Lea Valley in search of a reported Red-footed Falcon without success finding only a few Hobby for our trouble so today Jim and I headed up the A11 arriving at Lakenheath around 6am. We walked the length of the reserve hoping for a few good birds and we weren't disappointed as first three Cuckoo flew over calling then four Marsh Harriers flew across giving us no less than four food passes to enjoy. Bitterns were booming and then we picked up three distant birds in flight and to our delight they drifted right up to us before turning to head back into the reed bed. Bearded Tits pinged and were seen several times and a Cetti's warbler and Whitethroat competed for our attention giving me my best ever views of Cetti's just a shame the light failed to arrive in time for the camera to catch the moment well. A kingfisher was seen twice at both ends of the reserve and a single Hobby passed through but remained high in the cloud. We watched a Cuckoo coming to the path to feast on caterpillars and enjoyed good views of both Sedge and Reed Warbler. No Orioles were heard whilst there but they must surely be on their way now with one reported yesterday at Titchwell.

Marsh Harrier
Cuckoo, Bittern, Barnacle Geese, Cetti's Warbler and Marsh Harrier

As we got back to the car news came through that the Great Reed Warbler reported earlier at Nene Washes had been "re-found" so we headed in that direction in optimistic fashion only to arrive to hear that the report was erronious (or stringy) and the bird hadn't been seen or heard since around 9am. Whilst at Nene we picked out two Crane and a Red Kite so not a total wash out (if you pardon the pun)

The ticks are getting a little harder to find now but surely Quail, Grey partridge, Turtle Dove, Spotted Fly etc etc are just a round the corner's hoping!!

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