
Sunday 25 May 2014


I set off ridiculously early this morning arriving at the locked gates of Elmley NNR in Kent at 6am finding a sign saying "reserve opens at 8am" So with this unexpected problem I headed down to Selling to kill some time and luckily found myself a Turtle Dove that had managed to make it back to our shores without getting shot on the of the lucky ones! I tried for Spotted Flycatcher without success before heading back up the road to Elmley where I parked up along the track to enjoy breakfast and watch the wildlife of Elmley go about it's business......

Hare race along the track at Elmley
Little Egret

Little Egret
Little Egret at Elmley

Hares entertained as a couple chased each other around my car, a little Egret feasted in a road side pond, a Grey Heron was mobbed for over half an hour by Lapwing and Redshank before finally giving up and flying off, a pair of Marsh Harrier and a Kestrel hunted the reserve and Swallows came to the pool to collect mud for their nests. Skylarks and Yellow Wagtail were present and as the tide came in Oyster Catcher, Avocet and Ringed Plover all moved onto the marsh. A Little Owl was seen by the roadside and a Stoat ran across the road in front of me.

Redshank chick
Yellow Wagtail

A decent morning after the frustration of finding the gates locked at first light.


  1. Hi Brian, I very much enjoy your blog and read it regularly. Super shots from in/around Elmley and great to find the Turtle Dove. Now, I have a blog related question (I hope you'll forgive me for putting it in with my comment). May I ask how you created the "You may also like…" block on the side of your blog? I would love to do similar but can't find out how. Many thanks, Lucy

  2. Stunning photos of Hare's and wonderful to hear of any Turtle Dove that make it back to the UK, far too few do these days.

  3. Thanks for the kind comments Ashley and Lucy.
    Lucy produced the "you may also like" list by going into Design, Layout, add gadget and then working in the popular post section. Hope that helps.
    best wishes Brian

  4. Thanks Brian, that does help :-). Lucy

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