
Sunday 11 May 2014

Finally: Red-rumped Swallow at Thamesmead

Sitting at home this morning and news breaks that Rich Bonser has located a Red-rumped Swallow on Southmere lake in Thamesmead. Having chased a few of these rarities over the years and with this one only 18 miles from home I jumped in the car and within 30 minutes I was enjoying my first ever views of the little cracker. A quick call to the Jims to ensure they know it's here and I'm back to the bird where I tried in grey overcast conditions to get a half decent record shot. (Apologies now for the quality but they'll do me for a record) Good to see Mick on site along with finder, Harry & Barry, and a few other familiar faces all enjoying the London tick, Year tick or in my case LIFER!

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow with Swift
The lake was alive with hirundines, mostly Swift (with one bird showing a white under tail and slight paleness to the rump) Swallows, Sand & House Martin along with a few gulls, ducks and Geese.

The Jims arrived and I dashed around to the car park to drive them around to the far side of the lake having already agreed access with the fisherman owing to Dad having ripped his thigh muscle whilst away last week.
As I left the bird to run around to them a Hobby dashed through and put all the hirundines high and as we arrived on the far side all the birds had disappeared. We waited and they all returned apart from one bird.... Had it departed or had it become Hobby lunch? (I hope not)

Year list now 209 Life list now 340

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