
Friday 16 November 2012

Pallas's Warbler Dungeness Lighthouse

Old Lighthouse Dungeness

I popped down to Dungeness today in search of a little cracker that's spent a couple of days in the Old Lighthouse Garden.
I figured that with it being so foggy the bird would have stuck over night and I was right on arrival there were a dozen or so birders who revealed they had seen the bird but not for a few minutes.

I walked around the back of the lighthouse garden and peered over the fence to see a small bird fly into the centre bushes. Once I had it in the bins it was obviously the target.....A Pallas's warbler.
The other birders managed to get on it which was pleasing too.
The bird came close and even at one point flew into the bush next to me but was quickly out of site until it flew back to the bushes in the middle of the garden.

This is a lifer for me (I know Tart!) but what a little smasher.

I watched the bird for half an hour or so before returning to work to carry out the deeds for the day but with a smile on the face thanks to finding the little guy and having it show so well for me.

Bird 275 for the year and 308 now on the life list.
onwards and upwards!

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