
Monday 12 November 2012

My nuts prove popular with the locals

I moved my tree stump today and put a few peanuts on it and it proved to be a real winner with the locals.
Squirrel visits my nut table
First a pair of Squirrels quickly found it and feasted well picking up the nuts and then trying to find hiding places all over the garden for their winter stash.

A Magpie dropped in and took a few before the dog saw him off..she has rules about the size of bird allowed in our garden and Magpies are just the wrong side of acceptance.

Shortly after a Jay paid the stump a visit and I was able to grab a couple of shots.
Cracking bird!


Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits and a single Marsh Tit also dropped by and for the first time this winter a few Chaffies dropped in. (Up to today only the local pair have been coming in but today at least eight birds came in to feed.....when will they bring a Brambling with them?)
Ten or more Goldfinch arrived along with Robin, Wren, Dunnock, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Blackbird, Starling and a Jackdaw.
Over head I saw Rook, Crow and Gulls

I'm going to spend some time and money stocking this table throughout the winter and see a) what I can temp to visit it and b) If I can catch anything with the camera on it.
Day one and I've caught Squirrel and Jay so not a bad start.

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