
Saturday 17 November 2012

Local at Lea Valley

Quick trip to the local patch today with little to report.
An hour in the Bittern hide produced very little, Water Rail calling but not seen and a  G S Woodpecker visited the feeder in front of the hide. Bitterns have been reported recently but are not showing as they usually do in front of the hide.
The Bittern Hide

The walk to the Grand Weir Hide gave good views of Goldcrest, a Buzzard sitting in a tree by the barn and a few Redwings in the bushes along the path.
300 + Jackdaw around the farm and a small group of Egyptian Geese in the field.
Also seen were Wigeon, Shoveler, Tufted Duck and Gadwall along with all the usual suspects. Bird of the day was a Peregrine Falcon sat high up on pilon 5.

Back home in time to make the good lady breakfast but still good to get out for a while.

Contemplating a Twitch tomorrow but I'll see how I feel later before deciding if it's a goer or not.

Great Tit
Blue Tit

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