
Monday 17 September 2012

Montagu's Harrier Boyton Marsh RSPB

Well after failing to connect with the Montagu's Harrier at Minsmere  yesterday and the good lady in doors wanting to have a crafty day with her crafty mate in Brightlinsea it put me back up that neck of the woods. So I dropped crafty Sue at crafty Pat's and took the dog for a nice walk at Boyton Marsh RSPB.

I visited this place last year for Sandhill Crane but didn't get to see much of the reserve as it was a bit of a twitch after work.

Parked at the small car park which is not sign posted but reached from a small concrete road on a sharp right bend as you get to Boyton Village.

I walked towards the River Butley with a couple of birders (Husband and wife tag team) and we scanned the small pool a few yards from the car park to find Avocet, Lapwing, Teal and Snipe.
Boyton Marsh and the river Butley
As I reached the raised river bank a Kingfisher flew up the river and an Egret took flight.
I saw what appeard to be a Marsh Harrier drop below the bank south of the river and a Curlew was seen along with some Canada Geese and lot's Gulls.

In the distance to the north we saw several Marsh Harriers soaring high then a Sparrow hawk being mobbed by a larger BOP and a Kestrel also hovered over. A buzzard came close and soared over the farm. We scanned each Harrier and as we tried to convince ourselves each one had a little more Monty's about it and called various Crows and Gulls in the process. We had just about given up seeing the Monty's when the Lady of the couple turned and said "that wouldn't be it sat on that post behind us would it?" and would you Adam and Eve was. We had great scope views as the young Monty sat on the post no more than about 200 yards away before flying off to reveal the ringtail. This could well have been the same Harrier I saw drop down the bank on arrival.

Record shot showing the ring tail (terrible I know but all I could grab as I was too busy watching it to photgraph it)
The couple left with the husband promising his good lady a reward for her find and her trying hard to contain her satisfaction of finding this great bird. I sat with Tia for another hour watching the bird as it flew and dropped to the floor for periods as it seemed to be feeding on worms or something small.
Little Egret

We ate lunch while I took in the beauty of the Harrier before leaving to pick up the crafty one.

Bird 301 on the life list and 265 on the year list and a bird I have wanted for quite some time now and views I really didn't expect. Sometimes the birding gods really do bless you, today was one of those days!
Apologies to the Jim's for going solo on this one.

1 comment:

  1. Well pleased for you bri, but gutted I wasn't there to see it with you.
    Bloody Work!
