
Friday 21 September 2012

Garden Warbler on the garden list

Today I plotted up in the garden with a coffee and spent an hour watching the local birds.
This was prompted by me standing by the kitchen window and seeing a SBJ in the tree by my bird feeder.

As I'm sitting there trying to decide on Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler the little fella starts to sing and clearly I had my first Chiffchaff in the garden although it was on the list as I'd heard one sing before.
So I'm quite pleased with this then a couple of Coal Tit's decide to drop in and spent the hour coming and going feeding from my feeders with the Blue Tits and Great Tits.
As for finches well we had eight Gold, three Green and a pair of Chaffinch.
A Greater Spotted Woodpecker dropped by along with a single Robin, Dunnock and House Sparrow.
Over fifty Starling about and a couple of Wood Pigeon and Collared Dove. Gulls (BH and LBB), Crows, Rooks and Jackdaws flew over and a single RN Parakeet.
Magpies and Jays flew past and a single Blackbird dropped in to feed with a Pied Wagtail for company. Then as I'm looking at a couple of birds a few doors down I noticed it...The Garden Warbler!

A new tick for the garden.

a great hour in the garden producing 25 species.

After that I took the better half to a little crafting shop in Rochester Kent so paid a quick visit to Oare Marsh while I was there as you do.
Three Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint the highlights with the LS really showing well and I did get great views of Snipe and Water Rail.
I had a camera malfunction otherwise I'd have some good pics to share of these two birds that performed well close in to the road for me.

Going to try to get another year tick over the weekend, might even venture down to Lodmoor and give the SB Dowitcher a go and the RB Flycatcher at Holme is also tempting.

PS. with a little bit of image recovery software I've managed to get a couple of pictures from my SD card.

Water Rail
Migrant Hawker

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