
Sunday 16 September 2012

Pectoral Sandpiper Minsmere

After yesterdays quick twitch at Rainham I decided on a day for more birding than twitching so picked up the Jim's and we headed for Minsmere RSPB. 105 miles covered in 90 minutes so we're on site for 7.30am.
On the way in we see hundreds of Pheasant and RL Partridge and it appears they've had a good year and managed to miss the bullets thus far.

On arrival at the reserve we head straight for the Bittern hide and spend the next two hours in there. We clock up Bitterns in flight and plenty of Marsh Harrier activity. A Kingfisher lands in front of the hide to eat a fish it's just caught and a Deer crosses the ditch in front of us and walks along the footpath. A Water Rail squeals but doesn't show itself.

Red Deer at Minsmere
Bearded Tits Ping and Cettis warblers sing, Greylags fly in in good numbers and we see Black Tailed Godwit fly in and out at times along with a single Greenshank calling in flight.

We move on to Island Mere hide hoping to catch up with a Feruginous Duck but it wasn't to be seen although we did get great views of a male Sprawk here.

Migrant Hawker
We then walked the reserve which included a new trail that's been opened leading to Konik pool. (Named after the Konik Ponies that run free on the reserve.)

Konik Pony
This turned out to be a long but fruitful walk as we bagged : Pectoral Sandpiper here along with Little Stint, 15 Spotted Redshank, at least 4 Greenshank, Redshank, Black Tailed Godwits, 10 Snipe, Lapwing, Little Egret, 2 Hobby, 2 Garganey and 4 Ruff. (and hundreds of Hirundines getting ready for the off) Also saw another two Bittern, more Marsh Harriers and another Sparrowhawk here.
Konik Trail

We spent some time looking for Montagu's Harrier on South Levels but got only Herons and Crows.
News broke that one had been seen at Gedgrave Marsh further down the east coast so maybe that's the Minsmere bird?

Wasp Nest in a Rabbit hole at Minsmere
Red Admirals
All in all a good days birding which gave good views of some great birds.
The Jim's got a year tick but for me it was just about being out and about and having a chance of seeing all of the above.

1 comment:

  1. I love dragonflys and this picture is truely stunning. The clarity and focus is sheer quality. I love the vivid greens and blues and I am amazed that you even captured the silver shimmer on the transparent wings. You are truely talented and I look forward to following your blog.
