
Saturday 29 September 2012

Little Stint Oare Marsh

With high tide due around lunch time I decided to make the trip down to Oare Marsh near Faversham in Kent again today.

The reserve is only 60 miles away and after picking up the Jim's I was on site for 10am.
As the tide came in so did the birds.

Golden Plover and Black Tailed Godwit in the hundreds and Ringed Plover numbered at least fifty.
Lapwing, Dunlin and Ruff also came in in good numbers and with them at least four Little Stint in both adult and juvenile plumage and two Curlew Sandpipers were also noted.

A Water Rail and Kingfisher gave quick views as did a passing Hobby and Sprawk.
Egrets and a Heron came close to feed and a Cormorant dropped in after a catch.
Five Snipe were seen in flight

We experimented with Jim's camera attachment today and grabbed a few shots with it.
Going to take some practise to get the focus and light right but you have to start somewhere.
Here's a few taken today with my card in Jim's camera hopefully some taken with Jim's card will be posted later but I think for a first outing the results are ok.
Ringed Plover

Golden Plover and Dunlin
Little Stint & Ringed Plover


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