
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Red Breasted Flycatcher & Booted Warbler in Norfolk

I've put a shift in today. Left home at 6.30am this morning and didn't get in until 9.30pm this evening.
The reason for the length of the day was a combination of a days work followed by some evening birding.

Red Breasted Flycatcher twitch
I picked up the much sort Red Breasted Flycatcher at Warham Greens. A cracking bird that showed well for me and the group of about thirty other birders on site. To reach the bird is quite a walk, parked up on the track leading from the A149 towards Warham salt marsh then turn left and head west back towards Wells. The bird is in a copse at the end of the farmers field.  I also had a nice Pied Flycatcher here.
Burnham Overy

After the success enjoyed here and having spoken to a couple of locals I decided to drive to Burnham Overy and give the Booted Warbler a try.
I parked in a layby on the A149 and walked down the track towards the sea wall. Once on the Sea wall I headed east along the sandy track and found four other birders seeking out the Barred Warbler just where the sandy track meets the wooden boardwalk.
I had a very brief glimpse of the Barred and decided to walk back up the track in search of the Booted.
Good views were enjoyed by me and the other four birders of the bird flying up and down and on occassion stting up for us.

Cracking trip rewarded with two year and life ticks for me but with a two hour drive home in the dark I still question my sanity for doing it.

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