
Saturday 13 October 2012

Elmley and Capel Fleet

Went down to Elmley today as I didn't want to drive too far after having Man Flu all week.
The LEO that has been seen on and off in the orchard didn't oblige this morning and has probably decided to roost somewhere with less traffic.
Elmley Cow

We did get great views of a Merlin as we entered the reserve track and this was followed by good views of two more later on.
Marsh Harriers showed well in good numbers and a couple of Buzzards were seen with one being a very probable RL.

Sky Lark
Other birds of note were a large flock of Golden Plover and a single Wigeon with a huge flock of Teal. Lapwings are always seen here as are Skylark and Wagtail.
Large numbers of hirandines passed over on migration this morning too.

As we left Elmley I spotted a large raptor on a post and closer inspection revealed it to be a Harris Hawk and I managed a record shot in dull light before it took flight.

Harris's Hawk Elmley
We moved onto Capel Fleet and Harty Ferry where we had yet more views of Marsh Harriers and a distant Buzzard. A Sparrowhawk and several Kestrel were also seen along with large numbers of waders including Godwits, Knots, Grey Plover, Dunlin, Curlew and Redshank.
Shelduck and Egret were in good number  here too.
RL Partridge were every where trying to escape a local shoot.

Capel Fleet Raptor watchpoint
Good morning had with good numbers of raptors being the highlight.
Capel Fleet sign

Ferry winch at Harty Ferry

Got home to find a Greenfinch feeding in the garden which obliged with a couple of pics.


1 comment:

  1. I heard about your day out, brilliant pictures and well done on the hawk picture.
