
Saturday 18 August 2012


Today we made our now annual pilgrimage to Rutland for the Birdfair. Leaving home at 6am with a quick stop in Beds for yesterdays Dotterel which failed to oblige and we're in the car park bang on time at 8.55am ready for the gates to open at 9am.
 First stop before the crowds arrive was the Swarovski stand to try out the new ATX models and they don't disappoint. As I'm trying the ATX 95 an Osprey flies by carrying fish and I manage to get Jimmy on it too..great bird through a great scope now that is a bonus. Later the old boy also gets Osprey from one of the hides around the birdfair as it flies past.
Reed Warbler

Juvenile Blue Tit

With a large bank loan pending we moved on to the BTO ringing stand and watched as Blue Tit, Chiffchaff, Robin and Reed Warbler went through the ringing process. It's really good to see these birds up close and they appear tiny especially the Chiffchaff.
Moving on we do the tour of the stands taking time to talk with Mike Dilger, Johnny Kingdom and Bill Oddie along the way. Nice people who seem to enjoy the attention and conversation.
Jim senior also enjoys the " celebrity " part of birdfair and builds a list of "faces off the telly" that includes Jonathon Scott, Mark Carwadine and Charlie Hamilton James.

Mike Dilger
Johnny Kingdom

Bill Oddie

It's a hot day with tempartures above 30 degrees so we head for the beer tent and sink some cold Lager followed by an ice cream....both went down well I can tell you as those tents were steaming.
A welcome site!

As we leave the birdfair for another year we head round the reserve by car and stop at a nearby bridge to scope the Ospreys. Two birds show really well near the nest and I managed a distant record shot. Jimmy and I then tried out his new digiscope set with the results posted on his blog..hope they come out well as they looked great through the scope/camera. It wouldn't be birdfair without catching up with some Ospreys on the day.

Ospreys at Rutland water

Lot's of Peacock, Gatekeeper, whites, Comma, Meadow Brown and  Brimstone Butterfly about today which was good to see as it's been a poor season to date.

Another quick detour to try for Black Terns which the Jims need for year ticks and then the 100 mile journey home.

Nice day had by all but I now have a wish list of gear that will set me back thousands......when I actually part with the cash is the only question needing to be answered now.
An artist paints her part of the Birdfair Mural
Where else would you see that?

Opened by Sir David Attenborough and this sculpture recognises that

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