
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Quail at Wallasea Island

An early morning trip to Wallasea Island provided bird number 255 for the year and gave me my fifth since setting the challenge to get ten by the end of August. As I've blogged before these challenges get me up and out and have today taken me to Wallasea for the first time.

With the reserve being only 40 miles away and in my home county of Essex I'm struggling to think why I haven't visited before as it gets some good birds posted.
I drove the 40 miles down the A127 towards Southend and followed the sat nav to Brays Lane, Ashington. This road took me to a farm yard which it turns out is co operating with the RSPB and a new road has been laid from the farmyard through the crop fields to a small car park where access to the Estuary etc can be gained.

I didn't have to travel far from the car. As I got out I saw a small flock of Corn Bunting and they flew in to allow a couple of photo opportunities. As I had the camera clicking away I heard the "Wet my lips" call of the first this year despite trying a few times to catch up with one.
I enjoyed the encounter and as I got back in the car a Little Egret flew up and a Kestrel hovered.
Corn Bunting
This site is a real gem with the big focus on the crop fields and managing them to the benefit of the birds as the sign below illustrates "giant bird table"

The site is a short way from Paglesham Harbour which also looks more than worth another visit.
If watched more these sites would I'm sure bring in more bird reports as the habitat is varied.
Wallasea crop fields
Wallasea estuary
Paglesham Harbour


My next stop will be the Bird Fair at Rutland on Saturday but I need to find another 5 species before the end of August....what, where and when are the questions to be answered here later.

ps....this green bug landed on my car windscreen whilst parked at Wallasea and managed to cling on for 18 miles at speeds of upto 70mph so I had to take a photo before lifting it gently onto a hedge. (He earn't his bit of luck today)

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