
Monday 20 August 2012

Dipping on Tawny Pipit at Barking Bay

Yesterday saw a late report of Tawny Pipit at Barking Bay. I think Paul Hawkins found it on what is his regular patch but with the report coming late and me having a couple of beers whilst enjoying the sunshine I couldn't make the evening run to Barking but decided to give it a go early this morning on the way to work.

At 6am I was parked up in Renwick Road , I walk through the small squeeze gate and I'm making the short walk to the shore line to be greeted by another early birder with news that he hadn't found the bird yet. We searched some more and found Mipits and a Skylark along with Gulls, Shelduck and Comorant but no sign of Tawny Pipit.
Visitor centre
Yellow Wagtails fly over and a Kestrel hunts. A few more local birders arrive around 7am Nick Croft and a friend who's name escapes me although I know the face. They say they tried last night but it had gone to ground before they arrived which made me feel better for not trying yesterday. They did however know where it was last seen but after an hour searching I have to call it a day and get myself off to work.

The bird wasn't reported today so I guess it dipped in, fed and moved on towards it's destination.
Visitor Centre at Barking Riverside
So Tawny Pipit is now added to my "dipped out" list and I'll have to wait for another opportunity to add it to my year/life lists.

My August target is looking to be a struggle with five birds still needed but we live in hope!

I have two weeks off in September so that should help bring a couple more ticks and failing that I'm sure it'll give me a few nice days out and I may even book a cottage break on the coast somehwere.

View from Barking Bay

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