
Friday 24 August 2012

And the plunge is taken

Well the day has arrived and I've finally taken the plunge and opened the wallet wide enough to allow the required amount of money to fall out in exchange for some Prime binos.
I spent time at the birdfair trying various manufactuers equipment. I came home and spent time looking on line before finally falling over the line between caution and investment.

The SWAROVSKI SLC 8 x 42 HD are my binocular of choice and I have handed down my Nikon Monarchs to the wife with her old Bushnells on the way to the charity shop.

Before they went I carried out a little experiment from the garden.
I looked through the old Bushnells, then my trusted Nikons and then my new Swarovski's graphic, the difference between each is I ever used those Bushnells I'll never know.
These Swaro's will be tested this weekend I'm sure but I've christened them with two distant Cormorant over the house tonight.
They come wrapped up like a diamond necklace.......I was like a kid at Xmas opening the boxes etc.

I think this is going to be the start of long and lasting relationship.


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