
Saturday 25 August 2012

Sandpipers at Oare Marsh

Quick trip down to Oare Marsh this morning resulted in the new bino's getting a good test as the sky was grey and light drizzle in the air but I picked out four Curlew Sandpipers (3 on East flood and 1 on the west flood) Also had a Wood Sandpiper and two Green Sandpipers on West along with a Little Stint.
Greenshanks fly from East to West flood calling and the rain seems to bring out the Snipe as they fly around the reserve. Large flock of Black tailed Godwit which contained several Barwits, Good numbers of Avocet, Golden Plover and Redshank with one Spotted Redshank present. A little Ringed Plover and a few Dunlin dropped in and both Wimbrel and Curlew were seen on the mudflats.

Yellow Wagtails were present and the marsh held a few Ruff in various plumage.
Little Egret and Heron fed along with Cormorant.
In between the showers it was a nice morning which the wife enjoyed too as this reserve can be viewed from the car.

News of a Wryneck forced me to stop at Wanstead on the return route but the search was in vain as the bird had moved on or gone to ground. I did get Common Redstart here which is always nice to see.

The new Bins impressed today in gloomy light but I hope to give them a better test tomorrow.

ps.I returned to Wanstead later this afternoon but the weather was bad with grey skies and heavy rain even the odd flash of lightning. I didn't find the Wryneck but did connect with a Pied Flycatcher which was a small reward for another two hours on site in the rain.

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