So the government announced last weekend that we would be permitted to get in the car and spend as long as we wanted outdoors provided we continue to social distance so my Lockdown list is over and finished at at reasonable 56 when I added Swift last week but I couldn't wait to get back out and try to catch up with some of the other spring migrants.
The Canada Geese have enjoyed having the place to themselves.
I waited my time having complied with the lockdown and having started two weeks earlier than most due to my father in laws positive test I wasn't going to jump the gun so to speak but at the crack of dawn on Wednesday I was walking the Lee Valley which is only a ten minute drive from home but not within my walking exercise route so I'd missed it over the last few weeks.
I had binoculars with me for the first time in weeks and even popped the camera over my shoulder to shake the cobwebs from it.
First I saw a couple of
Common Terns as I approached the construction site for the new Bittern Hide, numbers are low with just the two birds seen on Seventy Acre and three on Holyfield Lake but a welcome year tick none the less.
Whitethroats are now calling from almost every bush but despite being on site at first light I heard no Nightingales but did hear plenty of noise from the
Cuckoos. As I walked further I heard my first
Garden Warbler of the year and then my first
Sedge Warbler parachuted up before returning to sing from his chosen bush. From the reeds
Reed Warblers called and a couple showed well too.
From Holyfield Lake I saw a couple of Swallows, hundreds of Swift and several of both House and
Sand Martins hawking the main lake but failed to find any Hobby.
So I have kicked started the year list again and it's a strange looking list for the middle of May with no Wheatear, Whinchat, or Willow Warbler along with several migrants that I'll now have to look for on the way out in the autumn provided we're still permitted of course. The walk was a much welcome relief for me and I really appreciated just standing and listening to all the noise this people just birds and it was just wonderful!
Sad sign of the times |
Year list now 198