Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Little Owl

Dad wanted to try and see Little Owl today but only had a couple of hours to spare so we popped over to Wanstead and with help from Marco we managed good views of a Little Owl hidden in the Ivy covered trees. We had to dash off to get Dad home and after a catch up with my youngest brother I headed out solo to walk KGV reservoir again. Sadly there was nothing new today but the drake Smew came close enough for a record shot whilst the Garganey was seen sleeping on the causeway bank again. On the north basin I found the winter plumaged Black-necked Grebe and the Slavonian Grebe which is now moulting into summer plumage. Raven and Red kite were both seen but little else of note. Can't be long now before the first Wheatear of the year followed by Terns and maybe a wader or two.

year list now 160

Slavonian Grebe


Great crested Grebe

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