Sunday 16 June 2024

Happy fathers day

Dad hasn't been out birding since 4th May so I asked if he was feeling well enough for a short trip this morning and he fancied it so off we went on a short fathers day trip to get him a couple of year ticks and get his list moving again. 

First stop was Bicester where a singing Quail had been reported a few times and as I got out of the car at the specified gate overlooking Upper Ray Meadow I could hear the bird singing its "wet my lips" song.
Jim and Dad missed it and it took another half an hour before the bird called again allowing them to connect. Quail along with Tawny Owl are probably the only birds I tick annually on call alone. I have been lucky to see Quail on a few occasions over the years but not today.

The gate overlooking Upper Ray Meadow 

We moved on travelling back down the A41 to Wilstone Reservoir where we found Spotted Flycatcher to give another year tick to all of us. I had a singing Garden Warbler which Dad still needed for this year but by the time he caught up it had gone quiet and never called again.
Swifts were present in large numbers hawking low across the fields to the east of the reservoir and came so close we could hear the wing beats. 

Common Tern

    Spotted Flycatcher

With Dad expecting visitors we headed home at 10am having added a couple of year ticks and enjoyed just the three hours birding but it's dusted the cobwebs off for Dad.

Year list now 216

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