
Saturday 6 May 2023

I found some time

I'm pleased to say that I have this week found a little time for myself and have used it to get a few local birding adventures in.

Firstly a trip to Abberton followed by Wrabness 

At Abberton we quickly located the reported Pec Sandpiper on the flood opposite the parking area for the Wigborough bay screen and we also year ticked Greenshank with four on the flood and another nine in Wigborough Bay. Also on the flood were eight Ruff and three Ringed Plover. From Layer Breton we found a sleeping Spoonbill and two Common Sandpipers. A fly over Hobby was another first of the year. Wrabness was alive with the sound of Nightingale and Turtle Dove but both proved elusive giving the briefest of views.

We popped over to Rainham when the White-winged Black Terns got reported but missed them by a few minutes and I returned the next day on my own to see the Black-winged Stilt. I found a female Whinchat on the old tip whilst watching the Corn Buntings and had another Hobby sitting on Butts hide.

Today saw us twitching yesterdays Short-toed Treecreeper at Dungeness but sadly as we half expected the bird had moved on. A sea watch was hard going but we did year tick Sandwich Tern and Arctic Skua. The Poms came through either side of our visit and we missed a reported Arctic Tern.

At Oare marsh we found three Whimbrel and a drake Garganey along with two Cuckoo and a Hobby. On the way home I drove the Jims round to the Serin mound at Rainham were they year ticked the Stilt. 

After this recent activity the pointless year list now sits at 195 but sadly I seem to have lost the ability to point the camera at anything hence this wordy post.

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