
Wednesday 10 May 2023


We were due to visit Frampton on Sunday but things got in the way so we delayed the trip until Tuesday.

Arriving around 7am we scanned the marsh from the car park finding lots of Ruff with most of them reeves. Lots of Avocet, Redshank and Lapwing along with a distant group of Blackwits which appeared to have a Spotted Redshank with them but distance prevented ID. Ringed Plover and Little Ringed Plover were present along with small numbers of Dunlin.

Brent Geese, Wigeon and Teal remain in small numbers with the regular summering ducks. A Hobby buzzed through with the Swifts and Swallows and the place was alive with Skylarks and Warblers. 


Common Tern

Orange Tip

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

From the seawall we found the Black-winged Stilts out by 360 hide and scanning a large flock of Dunlin and Ringed Plover revealed two Little Stint. A Wheatear was seen along with a couple of Yellow Wagtails and three Whimbrel showed well out on the marsh too. As we completed the loop we watched as a large female Sparrowhawk took a Lapwing.

Oh and I can recommend the Cheese, bacon and red onion Scone in the new cafe.

On the journey home we stopped at Wallington church but failed to find the reported Spotted Flycatchers but did watch a nest building Treecreeper and had fly over Hobby, Sprawk, Kestrel, Buzzard and Red Kite. We also saw Black Squirrel which I'm told aren't that rare in the area.

Year list now 196

Leaving the trip until Tuesday cost us Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper and Blue winged Teal opportunity but this disappointment aside Frampton always has plenty to enjoy and today was no different.

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