
Sunday 12 March 2023

It's been a while

I haven't been out birding since 15th February save the half hour trip to Bramfield on 16th Feb for Hawfinch. The usual family duties coupled with a rather nasty chest infection have taken all my time, sapped my energy and I've found it difficult to find my mojo too. The weather has been pretty poor which hasn't helped with my motivation to get up and get out but following a course of antibiotics I find myself feeling better and with a clear day in the forecast I decided to make the half hour trip to Stanborough Lakes in Hertfordshire hoping to see my first Little Bunting for the county and it couldn't have been easier arriving to find Matt and George M had the bird in their scopes. I watched it come and go for a few minutes at the feeder but didn't hang around long as views were distant and into the light so took the county/year tick and moved on.

Little Bunting and Reed Buntings at the feeder

I decided to drive further up the A1 to see if the Waxwings at Cranfield would show and again on arrival they were sitting in the Crab apple tree so I grabbed a few images before they flew back to their watchpoint tree. The birds didn't return to feed for the next hour or so at which time I left glad to be back out and pleased to add the year tick with the Little Bunting.

Waxwing at Stanborough Lakes

Lets hope I don't have to wait another month for my next trip.

Year list now 159

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