
Thursday 16 February 2023

At last a day out

I hadn't managed a day out since 29th January mainly due to man flu and my continued care duties but with a clear day on 15th I decided I'd head up to the Brecks and try to find some Goshawks as the weather looked ideal. The Jims wanted to come so we all headed up the A11 and landed at Lakenheath for first light. A walk up to the washland view point delivered nice views of a Great Egret and four Whoopers before an Otter was spotted in the river which is my first ever at Lakenheath. Two more Great Egrets were feeding along the river bank and we scanned the Geese for the reported Tundra Bean Geese without luck.

As we walked round the reserve we encountered several Marsh Harriers with a short display from one pair. Lots of pinging from Bearded Tits with a couple of distant views for a late year tick and the Jims ticked Water Rail at last. As we returned to the river I noticed the Goose numbers had picked up and located the three Tundra Beans but they all took flight before the Jims caught me up due to a river dredger passing them, luckily they flew back and Jim picked them up as they landed on the washland. A Kingfisher sat out in the open below the viewpoint which was a nice way to end our visit.


Marsh Harrier

Tundra Bean Geese

Whooper Swans

We next headed up to Cockley Cley and plotted up for a session, news from the guys on site was that it had been quiet as they packed up to leave but shortly after they left we had a single bird fly over then a pair got up and although not a full display there was some interaction between them before they both roosted up in the distant pines for a while. Two Peregrine and at least ten Buzzard entertained us as did the boxing Hares and a singing Woodlark. We also enjoyed the company of Toby an enthusiastic eleven year old out showing his Mum the birds of the Brecks. Great to see young people enjoying the hobby, I remember seeing my first Spoonbill at Minsmere when I was his age and I've been a bird nut ever since although work and raising a family became bigger priorities as they do for most of us.

Goshawk at in the tree..views were much better in the scope than the camera.

On the route home we had to pass Lynford so decided to try again for Hawfinch but failed to see any despite waiting until 3.30pm. A disappointing end to the day although Jim picked up a year tick with Brambling at the feeding station which seems to be up and running again.

16th Feb.....Went to Bramfield church and saw a Hawfinch  (year list now 158)

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