
Friday 24 June 2022

Hoopoe at Hinxworth

The Jims still needed Hoopoe for a year tick, Rob had never seen one in the UK and whilst I'd seen the Duxford bird earlier this year I never turn down the chance of seeing Hoopoes so we set off  mid morning yesterday for the 45 minute drive up the A1 to Hinxworth in Hertfordshire.  We parked outside the church made a donation and then made the short walk down the track to the last paddock where the Hoopoe was on show.  Whilst the bird was active it remained distant and was quite mobile taking short breaks to sit in the trees before returning to feed but it would select a different field after each rest which made it all the more entertaining. We spent around three hours watching it before heading home satisfied with the views but a little disappointed it never came close enough for my little 400mm lens but it didn't stop me grabbing the below record shots.

NB: Whilst the church are very happy and accommodating the people mucking out the horses are less happy with their audience.

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