
Friday 24 June 2022

Garden birding

I've spent quite a bit of time at home of late apart from the odd release day for Eleonora's Falcon and the Bee-eaters and a short trip for the Hoopoe in Herts but the garden has been busy and given me a small birding fix during the many home days. The nest box I put up for the Blue Tits was used and they have fledged but as yet no second brood. The Robins lost their single fledgling on day one but have now fledged another two birds which are doing well. The Sparrows continue to use the nest box provided and numbers in the garden are up above forty already. Starlings visit with their young as do Collared Dove and Woodpigeon. The Magpies in next doors tree have raised two young and defend my garden against the local Crows. The local Jackdaws are visiting with their young on occasion too but provoke a similar reaction from the Magpies so don't stay long. The Dunnocks have fledged this week and I've had young Great Tits, and Greater-spotted Woodpecker too. This week alone I've had three Buzzard, a Red Kite and a very large female Sparrowhawk over along with the daily Swifts and Gulls with both Herring and Lesser-black backed seen daily with the Black-headed gulls. Heron and Geese fly over most mornings and the Parakeets visit at both ends of the day for a few nuts and some apple. The Toadflax I planted is being used by the local bees and now has what I think is Toadflax Brocade caterpillars all over it. Butterflies continue to use the flowers provided and the pond holds lot's of Newt.  

So you can see I'm still getting a fix on most days even if days out are still limited a bit.

Juvenile Dunnock

One of the two second brood juvenile Robins


The fact she's out and feeding again would suggest the young are close to fledging

Juvenile Greater - spotted Woodpecker

The Foxes still visit daily but still no young seen

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