
Monday 9 May 2022

All happening at home

So it's been a busy time at home recently.
First my second grandchild Emily was born on 16th March then my youngest and his wife had their first child and my third grandchild on 30th April, then on 1st May I celebrated 40 years of marriage with Suzanne and of course I have my grandson who celebrated his fourth birthday with me yesterday.

As you can imagine all the above along with my care commitments has seen my time for birding very limited. I did manage a walk around the valley recently where I dipped three valley ticks in the form of Glossy Ibis, Barwit and Spotshank but I did pick up a year tick with my first Lesser Whitethroat of the year along with enjoying many singing Nightingales.

I also managed to get away yesterday morning for a short walk around Rainham RSPB. I added two year ticks here with four Wood Sandpipers from Butts hide and a Hobby on the return leg of the reserve. Two Cattle Egrets, a Great White Egret and a Cuckoo among the highlights of the 70 species seen on the visit.

Year list now 209 

40 years! ("It'll never last")

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Marsh Frog


Common Whitethroat


Canada Goose in full defence mode

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