
Friday 29 April 2022


A quick trip to check for Terns at KGV early this morning delivered a nice bonus year tick in the form of a Black Tern flying around the south basin. The smart summer plumaged Red-necked Grebe was still about but remained in the middle of the reservoir during our brief visit. As we watched the Terns our attention was taken by a group of hirundines overhead and following them was my first Swifts of the year with a small group of five followed by another group of twenty plus with yet more hirundines. 

A Turnstone was seen as we searched for Common Sandpipers and shortly after we added the Sandpiper to the year list with at least three birds present. Two Yellow Wagtails were added to the days totals before we left but the drake Smew eluded us.

A short but productive visit with three new for year birds. 

Year list now 206

Common Sandpiper

House Martin

Pied Wagtail

Red necked Grebe

Sand Martin




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