
Saturday 9 April 2022

Temminck's Stint at Tilbury Essex

I have seen a few Temminck's Stint but never one in Essex so with news of one at Tilbury yesterday I decided to give it a twitch this morning what with it being so local and all that. We arrived at a respectable 9am and walked down to the new scrape where we found just one other birder present so started the process of scanning each and every island and I found a couple of pairs of LRP so assumed the Temminck's could be in the same area and eventually managed to find it to make it much easier for those turning up a little later of which there were several before we left and a few that passed us on the way back too but it wasn't as popular a bird as I'd imagined.

The Temminck's Stint

A little pebble sized wader ...The Temminck's Stint

For scale a poor record shot shows it's size next to those Linnets 

A smart little bird and a first in Essex for me

The view through the camera lens before the heavy crop.

The bird showed well at x50 in the scope but was a challenge for my little 400mm lens which didn't stop me trying to fire off a few record shots. The new scrape looks really good and should attract some decent birds so I reckon we'll be back soon. The only other bird of note whilst here was a single Med Gull.

We scanned the paddocks on the walk back for a chance of Ouzel but that wasn't to be so we made a stop to walk the sea wall at Rainham and again failed to luck onto an Ouzel but we did manage to get out first Sedge Warbler of the year so not a wasted diversion.

The Stint wasn't just a year tick but was also my first in Essex too.

Year list now 187

Essex list now 273

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