
Thursday 14 April 2022

A visit to Dungeness

During the week Jim and I made a local visit to King George Reservoir where we walked the four miles around both basins with and managed to find two Greater Scaup, at least six Sand Martins and three Wheatear and a pair of Grey Wagtails for our trouble. A Red Kite feeding on a carcase at the reservoir bank was another highlight. We failed to see the long staying Red-necked Grebe and there were still no Terns on site.

Wheatear at KGV

Grey Wagtail

We had planned to go to Dunge on Wednesday but had to delay the visit until yesterday. We arrived at around 7am at the sea watch hide to find just two other guys there and they reported that it was very quiet with a very light breeze but they had just had a flock of sixty Whimbrel through. We set up and within minutes were watching a very smart Black-throated Diver before the first of two single Whimbrel. A few small flocks of Scoter and Brents went through and Sandwich Terns were busy going up and down. A large pod of Harbour Porpoise were feeding close in and bringing the Gannets in to inspect the area. A single Kittiwake flew through close in to give me another year tick but a possible Black Tern was too distant and never came close enough to ID fully.

A walk around the moat delivered two year ticks with a couple of Willow Warblers and a Whitethroat. A very smart Wheatear and male Black Redstart added interest on the walk. Chaffinch and Linnets were showing off around the car when we returned to give the camera a little exercise.



We found nothing of note at ARC but at Boulderwell we spotted two Cattle Egrets and the place was alive with the sounds of Sedge and Cetti's warbler. Marsh Harrier and Buzzard entertained as we scanned the area. Our last stop was Scotney where a pair of Med Gulls was the only thing of note before a brief return to the sea watch hide where it was as quiet as I've ever known it. The drive home was horrendous with the five mile stretch of M25 taking well over an hour.

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Year list now 193

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