
Monday 17 January 2022

Smew in the Lee Valley

I set out this morning intent on finding one of the three Smew that are wintering in the Fishers Green area of the Lee Valley after not finding any so far this year despite a few good searches. I had luck on my side today as I approached the far corner of Seventy Acre lake I saw the female redhead Smew. I called the Jims who were waiting for news and got them on the way then enjoyed the smart little duck for a while. After about half an hour I noticed the drake Smew swimming in and of course it took my attention away from the female. The Jims arrived in good time to enjoy both male and female and a few birders and walkers were able to enjoy the smart ducks before we left.

Stopping at the Bittern watchpoint we were rewarded with a Kingfisher that dropped in for a quick preen before carrying on down the river. My last stop was down at the farm where a few Brambling remain in with the Chaffinch flock. There was also a single female Linnet in the flock.

Year list now 133


drake Smew

The Redhead

a Kestrel posed for me too 

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