
Friday 21 January 2022

Lynford and some birds to point the camera at

A short trip up the A11 this morning to Lynford allowed me to connect with my top target for the year with two pair of Bullfinch in the bushes by the feeding station gate. My new target is Sparrowhawk but that's for another day. Also at the feeding station were at least ten Yellowhammers and a couple of Marsh tits both new for the year. Brambling numbered around ten with the Chaffinch flock and the odd Treecreeper entertained us. We didn't spend long looking for Hawfinch but instead enjoyed time watching the many Nuthatch and Siskins present. 

We picked up a bonus Woodlark locally before heading home for lunch.

Wednesday saw a very short visit to Rainham which rewarded us with a very distant and difficult to locate Dartford Warbler followed by another first for 2022 when a Rock Pipit was found from a walk along the wall.

Year list now 139

Blue Tit

Carrion Crow

Coal Tit

Coal Tit


Marsh Tit


Stonechat at Rainham


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