
Thursday 30 December 2021

Missed in 2021

 As mentioned in my review of 2021 time in the field has been limited meaning my year list is quite low at 241 (as at 27th December). But when I look back at the missing ticks on my year list it has some massive gaps as listed below.

              NB added Dipper after putting this list together whilst twitching the Pacific Diver

I mean what happened? No Whooper Swan! No Black Tern! No Manx Shearwater! No RCP! Very limited coastal trips and no Scotland again.

You get the idea was a bad year!

In terms of rares I have listed what I think are all the reported Life ticks I need (strange word because I don't really need any of them but I'd like them) 

I already regret not going for the Red-necked Stint the Green Warbler and the Two-barred Warbler.

I dipped Tawny Pipit and Eastern sub-alpine Warbler but there wasn't much else I could have chased due to how fast it moved on or how far away it was.

Bufflehead, Sociable Plover and maybe the Kent Eyebrowed Thrush would be on my list if we weren't restricted by Covid lockdowns. I'm pretty sure I'd have had a go at all three anyway and the Varied Thrush got me as close as I've been to twitching off mainland but I managed to hold strong much to the relief of my wallet.

I struggle each year to chase down Cackling and Snow Goose and the Black Scoter is just a bit too far but I'd chase them all if I found myself in the general area for sure.

The above doesn't include the Belted Kingfisher that I still have an eye on....maybe I'll find the time and the motivation before the bird departs.


  1. If its any consolation I live in Northumberland and didnt go for the Bufflehaed due to covid restrictions. Maybe I am the only one in the county who didnt!
