
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Best images of 2021

So I've done a review of the best (or rarest) birds seen in 2021 but this post is about the best birds of 2021 and as always some will be because they are just great to see like Rollers and Bee-eaters and others will be because they showed well and let me get some good images.

Had a wonderful six months with these local Owls

A Water Rail gave me good views in the Valley during lockdown

I enjoyed watching these Wrens set up territory in the valley

The American Herring Gull was by far the most camera pleasing bird of all my new birds

A nice day watching Little Gulls in the spring in Hertfordshire

A proper poser of a Rock Pipit

Two days at Bempton to enjoy the sea birds again

A showy Gropper at Titchwell was a delight

watching a flock of Bee-eaters in Norfolk was a fabulous day out

Had another cracking day out to watch this beautiful Roller in Suffolk

Had some fun in the garden too at times with the Robins always happy to entertain

Another year where we connected with Napolean at Oare

Oare also gave me this encounter with a Cuckoo which was memorable

Had a couple of days where the Sparrowhawks visited the garden again

Not very often the male stays long enough for a picture

This Purple Sandpiper at Titchwell was probably the most obliging bird I saw in 2021

My personal "bird of the year"

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